The curtain we hung was actually a repurposed snow camouflage... this particular tarp came from a northern outpost along the Austrian Hungarian border, used to cover tanks and jeeps and helicopters from prying eyes....
Anyhow somehow it arrived in our shop and we decided it would be perfect to hang up!
Danusia can be seen here doing the flamenco... She dances around the workroom all the time. The huge curtain to be can be seen lying lazily all over the table.
Look! I am sewing! The advantage of having an incredible huge sewing room with a polished white floor is that you can just lay the fabric all over the place like I have here...
While the rest of the people who work here are updating their Facebook or tweeting their banana bread recipes or perhaps sashaying to and fro I find myself working hard as always. Here I am hanging the curtain which is about 126" long.
Here's a view from inside the kitchen looking out... How delightful! Curtains should be delightful, they should invigorate our sense of wonder and challenge us to think of new and innovative ways to use them in our spaces... Like here.
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