Monday, April 26, 2010

Merciless Curtain Rant!!!!!!

Ok I am at my wit's end! I have almost had it with people and their TERRIBLE curtains. Recently we had the "honour" of working with a high profile client, who had a very high profile designer. My job was to fix some curtains that weren't quite right. Let me tell you now that I have been in hundreds of homes, HUNDREDS, in the past few years. I have been called in to make new curtains, fix old ones and remake remade ones. NEVER, and I really mean this, NEVER have I ever seen ONE curtain that I thought was remotely decent. this is not meant as an insult, it comes to you as pure and unadulterated truth! They are
almost all sewn like crap, they all hang funny, they are lined poorly, designed badly, and for the most part are totally inappropriate. I have replaced dozens of curtains, made by some of the most "reputable shops" in Vancouver. I don't mean to hate on my "competition" but somebody has to call these people out. I mean look at other trades... like millwork for example. There are dozens of millworkers in Vancouver that are amazing, excellent and reputable. When it comes to Window coverings it's a whole different story. It seems that it is impossible to find anything well made (outside of Ravi Design... of course)  You want proof of this... go to google, do a search on "window coverings Vancouver" and look at all the sites that pop up, ask yourself if you would like anything these people are selling hanging in your home and you'll know what I am talking about. It is shameful. NO WONDER people HATE curtains.
Back to my rant... I understand that curtains are an intimidating purchase, based on trust and honesty. You trust that the person you are hiring has your best interests at heart. You trust they know what they are doing. You trust that all this money your are spending will be well spent. For the most part you are HORRIBLY wrong on all counts. Consider this... there are no curtain making schools in Vancouver and have not been for DECADES! Most curtain shops are more like sweatshops that literally churn out factory made curtains that are all identical in construction. Most curtains are made by unqualified sewers in poorly equipped dimly lit basements drinking horrible, weak cold tea!  Most curtains are sold by people who have never made a single curtain, are then fabricated by a totally different person who will never see the inside of your home or understand why they are making what they are making for whom or for what, and then hung by someone entirely DIFFERENT altogether! This was the exact case with these curtains I am having to fix now! Made by a shop that has been making curtains for two decades, and what have they learned? Why do people shop there... do they just have no sense? So anyways the curtains are uneven, poorly sewn, finished by machine, not by hand, sewn to very simple factory standards, GARBAGE! The designer who originally specified the curtains clearly had no idea what they were doing, picking fabrics and styles that were in total conflict with the home.
So now we have an unhappy client, a designer who will never be invited back, and me... very upset that people who are hired to do a good job don't. I suppose this would normally be a good thing for me, but the fact is it actually pisses me off, it makes a mockery of my industry when I see this kind of work. I really hope that when people make the choice to buy window coverings that they educate themselves and get the advice of people who actually know how to make them properly


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