Friday, December 13, 2013

Frickin' Laser Beams....

Laser Beams are everywhere these days... Almost can't go out without a laser hitting you in the eye. Ravi Design fully embraces new technology as it appears, oftentimes we just throw it out, but in the case of the laser beams we are loving 'em! As many of our clients know already we are really anal retentive about our work, almost obssesive. When money appears in our bank account our first thought is almost always "what kind of new gadget can we buy now to make our work even better?". In this case I decided a laser level was a good idea, I don't have one, never needed one but what they hey!? So today Anna and I were installing some rather delicious linen sheers, yes from Belgium.... and we decided to use the laser to draw a virtual chalk like on the ceiling to give us a guideline to follow. Below you can see how the laser helped us align the bracketing so it was perfectly in line....

Gratuitous curtain shot.... oooh, nice folds....


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